Stumble Guys Wiki

Icy Heights is one of the race maps in Stumble Guys. It was added on September 28, 2020 on version 0.3. It was one of the original maps along the release of the game.

This map is one of the few that have altered physics, as it is in an ice place, the player can slide and strangely dive faster.


It starts with a descent which leads to a column that pushes you if you touch it and a rhombus wall with antoher two columns in the horizontal points, you will have to surround this to pass to the next part where there is an ascent wich leads to another descent at the left, after going up, there wil be a path going to the right where you will first see in front of you a snowball cannon that pushes you making you lose the control of the player, going straight there is another snowball cannon with a mini mountain at the left where you go to the left and pass to the next part, then there will be a narrow path with two spinning beams, next there is a descent with many mounds and pushing columns, finally, you will get to the finish line.


This is one of the original maps that came when the game was released.

At first, the map was totally different, in the starting path there were 3 pushing columns and the wall that comes next was a rectangle; the next part was an ascent pathing you to the left where in front of you there was an oval-shaped cannon, this part is repeted 2 more times, only that the next ascent is going to the right and the next one presumably to the left again. After that, there was the narrow path that had 3 spinning beams moving to the right, finally there was the descent part which didn't have mounds and then the finish line.

This version of Icy Heights was changed on version 0.4 to the one that is currently on the game, since then, no changes were made to the map.


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