Stumble Guys Wiki
The Beast - Skin- Stumble Guys

An example of a skin.

Skins Gallery: Skins Gallery

Skins - Customize - Stumble Guys


The skins are a feature of Stumble Guys that skins allow the player to change the appearance of their stumbler to the one they prefer, the skins are able to get through wheels that are available in the Stumble Pass and in the shop or simply buying them in those 2 sections.

The skins section can be found through the customize option on the left of the main screen, where different sections will appear, the first one is the skins section and it automatically takes you to that section when you click on the option.d

There are 2 default skins when you first play Stumble Guys which are Mr. Stumble and Ms. Stumble, being Mr. Stumble the one you are using automatically you enter for the first time


The skins are obviously since the first version of the game, 0.3, at first, the section was named "Customize" and it didn't have a list of skins, you could only change them by a skin bar in which you had to press left or right to change the skin, these didn't have names or qualities and the model was different. You also had to buy them only by purchasing them with an amount of coins in the skins section.

In version 0.8, the list of skins was added dividing them in qualities: common, rare and epic.

In version 0.13, all the skins were updated to a new design.

In version 0.15, the list of skins table was changed from 4 horizontal slots to 3, the qualities were removed, the size of the slots was changed to a bigger one and their color changed from a dark blue to a lighter, and the dark background behind the table got removed. In this update, you could change the skin tone from a skin by changing it at the Color section next to the skin section at the top.

In version 0.21, the table got back to 3 horizontal slots, the skins icons at their slots were changed and the skins section was reorganized along other new sections.

In version 0.27 the Variants feature was added in wich you could change de style of a skin.

In version 0.30, the Variants feature was removed, the table got back to 4 horizontal slots, these got larger and their background color was changed according to their quality, every single skin got a name and quality.

In version 0.50, the looking of the slot's rectangle button was changed by making it rounder.
